Logo Stowlog

Visits Management

We empower you to streamline the identification and tracking of individuals accessing your premises.

The problem

The current state of access control lacks adequate security data collection, primarily relying on analog recording for the majority of visits. Consequently, this deficiency poses an elevated risk of intrusion and potential threats to our valuable assets.

Moreover, the decentralized nature of this information amplifies the challenge of effectively managing and mitigating security risks.




The HSSE department creates single or group visits from the Admin Dashboard for all the different visitors and guests.

Moreover, you have a tablet at the different entrances of the facilities, so the visitors can access thanks to their QR code generated by Stowlog. From the Admin Dashboard, the HSSE department has access to the visits log and real-time data of the people within their facility, getting a full clear overview of security traceability.

Know who’s in your facility at all times.

Key benefits

Manage and digitalize all your visits.
Create your own reports.
Detect possible threats.
Real-time data availability.